Give Yourself Grace When You Begin to Doubt God

"Doubting God Leads to Discovery" by Mary Alan Tice
Doubt: a feeling of uncertainty; fear
Am I the only one who wonders what God is up to?
I know the answer to that.
We have all, at one point or another, questioned what God is doing.
Just this year, I found myself in a toxic relationship that I didn’t want to let go of. It was comfortable and part of the life I pictured for myself, so I wouldn’t dare consider ending it.
But then I felt that nudge.
The all-too-familiar nudge of my Heavenly Father.
And just like every other nudge I’ve felt from Him, the doubts started creeping in.
If I listen to God...
How will I get through this?
Will I ever find someone?

Does God really know what’s best for me? 

I was scared. I feared what the future would hold and I doubted God. What could He possibly have in store for me? Because in my mind, I had the perfect plan of how my future would unfold and He was doing nothing but getting in the middle of my idea of perfect.
I’ve found in moments like these, there’s two ways to handle your doubts.
You can say, “God, I’m doubting what you’re doing and I don’t trust you so I’m doing this my way.”
This can get messy and the path is treacherous at best.
Or you can say “God, I’m doubting what you’re doing but I’m trusting that your plan is better than mine.”
I suggest option number two.
There is so much peace to be had on the other side of your fears when you trust that God is working things together for your good and ultimately His glory.
I let that God-nudge lead me out of my relationship. And I’m so thankful I did.
Was it easy? No.
Was it uncomfortable? Very.
But surrendering my plan for His has brought me to a place of peace unexplainable.
So whether you’re doubting where God has you, where He’s taking you, or just His existence in general, I can assure you that you are not alone.

My best advice to you is this: Rest in the simple things you do know. 

I know that He is good.
My God is so good.
And even through the what if’s, the uncertainty, and all the questions in between, I can count on His goodness to carry me through.
I’ve learned that the moments where I’ve doubted God the very most are always followed by seasons of trusting him more than ever before.
So for today, let’s choose faith over fear.
And His never-ending grace over perfection.
While it’s not always easy, I wouldn’t want it any other way.
If you start to doubt God, instead of listening to the lie that you're a "bad Christian," remember that your doubt can lead to questions that can lead to knowledge. Knowledge of your Savior and His heart will lead you closer to Him. Let the doubt lead you to discovery. 
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