My Curly-Headed Secret


I always debate even writing about products I love because I feel like a phony when I do. I’m not a lifestyle blogger or an Instagram influencer or anywhere near a pro when it comes to beauty tips. BUT I do love the products that work for me and my budget and I really am just such an average girl and I know there are other average girls looking for good stuff!I have super curly, frizzy, big hair and I get asked all the time what products I use for my hair. Some women in their twenties ask me, some women in their forties, and some mamas who have little girls with curly hair that they just cannot tame.I hated my curly hair for a long time. I actually didn’t even know I had curly hair until the eighth grade. (I know, right?) Once I found out, I spent years trying to straighten and cut it so I’d look like the girls around me. I never realized that maybe I was created to stand out. It took me ten years to love my curls, but now, I don’t think I’d be me without them. My hair is so easy to fix and fits my personality so well. People remember me because of my hair and it can be so versatile when it comes to trying new things! I want every woman to embrace her hair: curly, straight, short, long, thick, thin… it doesn’t matter. We can color, cut, and style, but at the end of the day, we go back to our original hair in some way or another. And it is so hard to love the skin you’re in. It’s a long journey that I’m on, but it sure is a fun one! The one product I have found and used for several years now is Deva Curl gel. From what I have learned, it’s great for different ethnicities, and a ton of women I know love it. The thing about curly hair is that while it is different from straight hair, all curly hair is also different! That makes it pretty hard to find a product that fits your kind of curls. And Deva Curl really has something for everyone.It really does speak my hair's love language!There is also a spray that I love and they have shampoo, conditioner, and a defrizz cream among other amazing serums and salon-styled products. I mainly stick to the gel and the spray, but I know a lot of people who love their other products, too. After my Deva curl gel, I just use a mousse. I prefer Herbal Essences, but there are so many to choose from. The combination of the gel and the mousse really defines my curls and gives me the right amount of volume! I'd encourage you to try different combinations of different products to find YOUR hair's love language.I am praying that Deva Curl never stops producing this hair care line because it has made my curly-haired life all the better! For you gals with straight hair looking for a beach wave, I really think this might do the trick.If you try Deva Curl and love it, let me know!AND if you subscribe to my email list and head over to my Instagram, you can enter to win a free bottle of this ballin' hair gel!Cheering you on,Kaitlin


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