These Shoes Were Made... To Be Returned


These shoes tell a little story about having to rely on Jesus and only Jesus.I'm in month seven of my "No New Clothes Challenge," and it has been the hardest yet. I’ve been so discouraged looking in my closet because I’m craving something new. I keep seeing so many people in the cutest outfits, and all I want to do is hop online and buy a top and a blazer and pants and shoes! I haven’t felt “cute” in a long time and I feel like a shopping spree will cure that negative thought.But more stuff is not the cure to me insecurity.Read that again: MORE STUFF IS NOT THE CURE TO OUR INSECURITIES.We cannot buy happiness, friends. We can’t. Because are hearts were created for more than full closets.I am more than the shoes I wear and the blazers I own.That’s why I had to return the white, fake Birkenstock shoes.I bought them one day at Walgreen’s when I forgot to pack flip-flops for the pool party I was headed to. I could’ve bought cheaper ones, but I bought cute ones. And I truly did need some to wear, but I didn’t need the cutest pair.Those shoes sat in my closet for two more weeks. I couldn’t wear them and they just like STARED AT ME every time I walked by them. I felt like I broke my commitment to God to not shop for a year. Even though I had a logical excuse, I had still broken the rule I set for myself. I knew I’d let myself down if I didn’t return them. And I honestly feel like I’d be letting all of you guys down too — that’s why I made you a part of this year of discipline — to help keep me accountable.So, I marched into Walgreen’s and returned the pair of shoes I wore to the pool and cleared my conscience. And maybe you’re reading this thinking it wouldn’t have been a big deal to keep the shoes, but it was a big deal to me and Jesus.He’s so cool to make seemingly small things big for us.He celebrated the victory with me and reminded me of it on a day when I wanted to shop so badly. He said, “Hey. Remember when you returned those shoes? You’ve made it so far, kiddo. I’m so proud of you. I know you can keep going.” And He is saying the same thing to you today.That commitment you made? Keep it. That thing God asked you to do? Don’t stop. He honors promises we make and keep.

Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin...” Zecheriah 4:10 (NLT)

Just because a commitment seems small doesn't mean it's not the humble beginning of what could be a masterpiece God is going to build through you. Please remember that when you want to give up on that dream or cheat on that diet or quit that class.You are the girl for the dream you've been given. And you are the girl for the goal you've set. Don't cut corners or make excuses. Would you decide not to finish the trim in a house or skip painting a wall? Nope. So, don't skip over the small details you need to build that dream God gave you. He has laid the foundation, now go do the work.


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