To The Anxious Bride


You’ve got the groom and the dress and the veil and the venue and the caterer lined up. But how’s your heart, sweet bride?Planning a wedding can be overwhelming when you’re trying to make sure everything looks picture perfect. And then there’s the anxiety of the wedding day and the biggest commitment of your life, aside from following Jesus. What if everything doesn’t look perfect? What if your makeup isn’t just right or the pictures don’t go as planned or the florist messes up your bouquet? There are a million and one things that can go wrong, but the only thing that really needs to be right is your love for the man you’re about to vow your heart to. The months, days, and weeks leading up to planning are filled with showers and gifts and details and daydreams. You play out every moment in your head and pray it goes exactly how you have always imagined.But it won’t.And it won’t in the best way. But you have to know that the most important part of the day is the fact that your groom will be waiting at the end of the aisle with a smile or tears or both. You + him + Jesus = the whole reason for the day.It’s so easy to get caught up in all the festivities and decorations, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with having a big, beautiful wedding full of flowers and dancing - the problem occurs when we focus on all those things and lose focus of our groom and our Groom.And that’s such a life lesson. We become anxious about all the little details and all the materialistic matters when only One thing really matters. Your house and your car and your clothes aren’t bad things until they become idols. And your wedding dress and your venue aren’t bad things until they become idols. And then there’s people pleasing. Jesus, help us all. Maybe you don’t struggle with it, but I sure do. And I sure did when it came to planning a wedding. You want to make sure everyone is happy and everyone gets a say in everything. And then to take it a step further, you want every guest to be so impressed and take home the best wedding favors and have the time of their lives. It’s impossible to please everyone. You are not pizza. (Isn’t that on a shirt somewhere?) But seriously, just like you cannot spend your life bending over backwards to make everyone happy, you also cannot spend the weeks leading up to your wedding trying to make everyone’s wishes come true. At the end of the day, the people attending your wedding are there to celebrate the love of you and your husband and the promises you are making to God and each other. The extra parts of the day are literally just icing on the cake. The cake is even icing on the cake! None of it is as important as the fact that two hearts are becoming one. All your anxieties and worries about the weather, the decorations, your dress, and the reception can fall at the feet of Jesus.

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” Philippians 4:6

He tells us to be thankful and pray in every single situation, and that includes your wedding. Your day is special to you, which means your day is special to Him. He cares about your heart and its desires and wants His daughter to feel like the princess she is. So, give it to Him. Tell Him your fears and dreams and hopes for your wedding day and watch Him work it out for your good. It may not look like the world’s idea of good or perfection, but He will give you the sweetest moments to remember. And you will know He was in them. As you prepare to walk down the aisle, focus on getting your heart ready more than getting your venue ready. Your wedding day is only one day while being a wife lasts a lifetime. Cast the anxiety aside and hold tight to what is true and that is God’s overwhelming love for you and the covenant of marriage. Inhale all the simple moments leading up to your wedding day and soak in all the love you feel during this season. And on your big day, remember to take it minute by minute and soak in every sight and sound. No anxiety will be necessary on a day all about your love for God and the person He made just for you.You are ultimately His bride and He is preparing you for the day when you will walk down the aisle to Him. This is all just practice.


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