How to Be the Girl God Sees
When do you think we learned to only wear things, say things, or try things if someone else approved?Maybe you don’t struggle with approval of people, but I know I sure do. And I’m trying to take small steps every day to be the exact woman God made me to be, whether it fits the mold others approve of or not.I can’t buy anything — ANYTHING — without asking my mom, my husband, and my best friend if they think it’s ok. I live and die by what other people think, and that’s a dangerous way to navigate life because you end up being a hodge podge of other people instead of the masterpiece God crafted you to be.I don’t mean to overspiritualize clothing, but I recently bought a funky, polka-dotted dress that I considered returning seven different times. I wasn't sure if people would think it was fashionable or weird, and I never even considered how I felt about it.I decided to keep it, and when I wore it, I felt so free and so "me." God reminded me that He made me to be me for a reason and He loves when I walk in that confidently.My counselor told me once that my biggest blind spot in life is not being able to see myself how God sees me. And that affects so many other relationships.I’m desperate to see the girl God sees. And I'm desperate to be the girl God sees.I want be free to be myself, not just so I can have more confidence, but so that I can remind everyone I encounter that they’re free to be themselves too.Because God said so.Being His child and being kind are not synonymous with apologizing for who you are or second-guessing your identity.That’s not humble; it’s a form of taking control back from the God Who deserves it. Wear the dress. Sing the song. Take the job. Date the guy. Raise your hand. Say yes. Say no. Ask the question. Be the bold one.Live your life without looking over your shoulder constantly.Try looking up instead. That's a sure way to be the girl God sees.