Why You Shouldn't Settle in Dating


To all my single ladies and dating ladies:Do not settle for a man who does not lead you closer to Jesus.I don’t care if he has all the charm, charisma, and chivalry in the world. If he isn’t leading you closer to Our Savior, then he isn’t for you. I’m not saying you can’t be friends with him or pray for him or cheer him on, but to be yoked with him while trying to run on mission for The Kingdom? It just won’t work.Wining and dining is fun for a while. Flowers and candy might make you smile. But those things should not be what get you down the wedding aisle. (Yes, that was supposed to be a poem. You’re welcome.) I want you to be seeking God so hard that you run smack into the man of your prayers. I want you to be with a man who fights for you in the spiritual and makes you better. I want you to know your worth in Christ and be with a man who reminds you of that worth daily.Don’t tell me there are no good guys left. I promise there are. There are men after God’s heart out there, but women are overlooking them because other guys are shinier and get their attention. Don’t be distracted by the shiny objects. Stay the course and WAIT upon The Lord because He is GOOD and faithful to provide.You are not behind and there is no need to rush. When you are in a place of contentment with God, you won’t feel the need to say, “I do,” to the next guy who notices you. Women of God, you are better than that. Men of God, so are you! Don’t date just to date anymore. Date someone who you can change The Kingdom with. Date someone who will lead your family well. Date someone who honors you as a child of God and doesn’t guilt you into compromise.I’m believing for a shift in dating in 2020. Chains of insecurity and promiscuity will be broken in Jesus’ name. Hearts will be restored and Kingdom marriages will be born. And I’m begging you not to settle for anything less than God’s best. Amen?Subscribe to receive encouraging emails here.


To the Brides Postponing Weddings Due to Coronavirus


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