A Letter to "The Bachelorette" from a Christian


Dear "The Bachelorette" Hannah Brown,I have not watched you on this season of "The Bachelorette," but I've heard all about it from my friends and seen plenty of memes and videos on social media. We're both Alabama girls, so I feel like we have a lot in common... well except for the fact that I'm not a reality television star, but that's neither her nor there.Another thing we have in common is our faith. We both love Jesus, and I think it's pretty incredible that you've been bold enough to talk about that in front of the million viewers who watch you try to find true love every week.I know you have gotten a lot of flack from non-Christians about your beliefs and from Christians about how you live out those beliefs. And to be honest, after I read about and saw about the whole "I've had sex and Jesus still loves me," thing, I thought, "I wonder how she's making Christians look."But then The Holy Spirit convicted me like He always does. And He said, "How are you making Christians look?"Judgment is a weird thing. I mean, The Bible tells us to judge with righteous judgment in John, but Matthew tells us to approach each other one-on-one before involving others. As far as I know, the commenters on your Instagram probably aren't your best friends and mentors you've asked to speak into your life and tell you when you're out of line.After reading some of the comments, I started thinking about all the times I have done or said things that don't line up with the way I feel about God. I haven't always been the best example of love or obeyed Him like He asked me. I have likely confused other people by claiming I believe one thing and living out another. But the difference between us is there was never a camera in my face capturing my words and actions to display to the world.I can only imagine all the fun you had on the show and all the perks that have come your way since then. But I cannot imagine the guilt and shame and heartbreak you felt from people who do not know you at all telling you what kind of Christian you are. For that, I am so sorry.I am sorry for any way I have judged you based on what I've seen or heard. I am sorry for the words spoken over you that did not bring life. And I am sorry for any tears you have cried because of what strangers on social media said about you.What I want you to know is how loved you are.Other Christians can look at you and tell you how you've misrepresented us OR we can tell you that you are human just like us.I'm sure there are things you believe, say, or do that I don't agree with. There are things my family, friends, and other Christians believe, say, and do that I don't agree with too. That doesn't mean I love them any less.From where I sit, you are a girl who needs grace just like me.God has given me so much grace and continues to do so every day. That grace spurs me on to give others grace and remind them they are adored by Him.We have been called to love above all else, and that's something I always want to make sure I do.

"Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins." 1 Peter 4:8

You don't know me and you may never read this, but from one daughter of The King to another, I am proud of you for having a heart for Him and telling the world His name.Maybe you have some regrets about your "Bachelorette" journey. Guess what? I have regrets about mine too. My "bachelorette" journey is one full of mistakes, heartbreak, God's sovereignty, and lessons learned. I bet yours is too.You radiate His love. It's obvious your heart is good. And He delights in you.So, Hannah, I pray you find the man God has set aside for you, and I hope you team up to take on the world together for The Kingdom. Your sphere of influence is now incredibly huge -- go do great things and do it for His glory.XO,Your Sister in Christ, Kaitlin


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