How to Not Burst Your Own Bubble


It took me at least 20 minutes and a pack of Hubba Bubba to get the perfect shot of me blowing a bubble for a picture yesterday. Something silly and fun turned into work for me, per my Enneagram 3 mentality.There were lots of laughs involved in getting the picture, but deep down, I was kind of frustrated.My husband was off to the side blowing bubbles with ease, and every time I’d get close, mine would pop! My bubble would literally burst. And I thought about how many times in life I have felt the exact way I did standing on a rooftop in front of a camera smacking gum.I’ve watched person after person blow bubbles with ease and get the perfect shot while my bubbles burst.It’s funny I know. I’m overspiritualizing a bubble I KNOW. I’m BLOWING this out of proportion (pun intended.) But just hang with me for a second.One reason I couldn’t blow the perfect bubble is because I had too many pieces of gum. I had literally bitten off more than I could chew. And dang it if I don’t do that in my life all the time. I bite off more than I can chew and then get frustrated watching others blow bubbles with ease because they know just how much they should chew.Instead of wondering why in the world the person beside us is succeeding at the thing we so badly want to conquer, what if we take a step back and assess how much we’ve bitten off? In my case, I had to literally spit my gum out and start over with a new piece.It’s ok to let something go, spit it out, and start over.We’re humans. We have to go back to square one sometimes. Starting over is the answer to success sometimes. And Jesus is always there to meet us back at square one.As my friend Mary Alan said, we can share our gum too! Instead of shoving yet another piece in your mouth to achieve what you think will be the perfect bubble, take your piece and then give the other piece to the girl beside you.We can all blow bubbles without bursting each others'.


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