How to Fight for Your Passions


When you have a dream, you do what it takes to make it happen.You find time, make time, and plan time to work on whatever it is you need to do to achieve your goals.I like to think of my procrastination as a super power. My creative juices start flowing and The Holy Spirit goes crazy when I’m down to the wire. I think He made me to thrive under pressure -- and it can be kinda fun! It can also be stressful, but that stress is NOT from God.So, on the heels of a major project being due, I wrote my heart out while my husband drove for two hours. I turned on my WiFi hotspot while he cranked up a podcast and we just made it work.One of the secrets to writing really is doing it in the nooks and crannies of life. I can’t always go away for a weekend and write non-stop (although that is one of my favorite things in the world.) But I can make time in the margins of my day to pour my heart on a page.We shouldn't always fill our margins with work. We have to learn to rest, but we also have to know when we're in a season that requires us to honor day-to-day commitments like a full-time job while squeezing our passions in the white space.If it's a passion, you make it happen.Hobbies get pushed aside, but passions (when they are placed in your heart by Jesus) remain at the forefront of our minds. Passions keep us up at night and wake us up in the morning. Passions are priority.Our first passion HAS to be Jesus. He has to be what fuels us or all our other dreams will burn us out.We have to set aside time to spend with Him and spend all our time pursuing Him. We have to be the light to those around us to point them toward Him. And we have to dwell on things that are of Him.Once we focus on God, our other priorities fall in line. He gives us the wisdom and drive to somehow just do the work, even when it's inconvenient.Go to the gym after work. Do the meal prep on Sunday night. Book the reservation for date night. Have the hard conversation. Get to the office 30 minutes early. Whatever it is that you know you need to do in the nooks and crannies of your day, just do it. Go Nike on that goal and just do it.When we put the work in, all of a sudden, the nooks and crannies we've been taking advantage of become larger and larger until the passions become our primary focus.Remember: "With God, all things are possible." Matthew 19:26


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