How to Be Fully You


Why is it so hard to be fully ourselves all the time? It shouldn't be that hard to be who God made us to be, right?But we let situations and people and circumstances shrink us down and snuff out out. We let our own insecurities back us into a corner so we can hide.And I'm just so over it.A girlfriend and I were talking a few nights ago about how refreshing it is to be around people who are just fine with you being you. And you know what I've learned about those people? They're OK with you being you because they're OK with themselves too. They're comfortable in their own skin with their own strengths and their own weaknesses. They don't feel the urge to knock you down and raise themselves up.It's a beautiful thing to spend time with a person who allows room for you to just be.And it's even more beautiful to be a person who allows others to just be.Ephesians 2:10 tells us we are God's workmanship. The Passion translation actually calls us God’s “poetry.”

We have become his poetry, a re-created people that will fulfill the destiny he has given each of us, for we are joined to Jesus, the Anointed One. Even before we were born, God planned in advance our destiny and the good works we would do to fulfill it! Ephesians 2:10 (Passion Translation)

Man, why am I not walking around like I’m a poem?!Forget being a “snack.” I’m a POEM.Poems are intricate and lovely. Poems are pieces of art. We are pieces of art hand-crafted by the Master Artist.That means, short of sin, you should be expressing that art.You should be laughing and dancing and singing and being weird and talking to strangers as much as you’d like.When you read that you are to be gentle and meek, that does not mean you have to be silent and insecure. You can be both expressive AND gentle. You can have a big personality AND a meek spirit.I used to feel so much shame when I’d read in God’s Word that I was to be gentle because I know I come across as “too much” for many people.A friend of mine changed my mind when she told me that I was gentle and it had nothing to do with how shy or outgoing I was --  it has everything to do with the way I love God and people.Our Father might convict us with His Word but He will NEVER shame us for the way He made us.And I’m begging you to stop shaming yourself for the way He made you. That’s not fair to you or Him.Live like the poem you are. Be adventurous or peaceful or exciting or calm. Wear weird clothes or wear all black. Sing at the top of your lungs or sing to yourself. Just tap into what the Holy Spirit has for you and live it.And don’t ever let anyone, including yourself, convince you that you aren’t a masterpiece.So, how do you do it? How do you live in the fullness of who God designed you to be?Here are just a few practical ways I've found to be more me:

  1. Go to His Word daily to learn more about your Creator and how He made you
  2. Reflect often. Journal daily about what you are learning.
  3. Invite a select number of people in to speak into your life and ask the hard questions.
  4. Surround yourself with people who love you like Jesus does.
  5. Love everyone you meet like Jesus does.

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