Why You Should Keep Your Commitments


I started this 100-Day Blog Challenge only six days ago, and I already want to quit.I often wait until the end of the day to write, and sometimes, I'd rather just curl up with my husband and Netflix and go to sleep.I almost convinced myself to quit tonight. I told myself no one reads the blogs anyway, and I'm the only one who will really know if I miss a day. But God.God quickly reminded me that He honors kept commitments. And He doesn't care of 1 or 1,000 people read this blog -- He cares that I made a commitment to writing just one blog each day for 100 days.This challenge has made me more intentional and more aware of my time. It has made me slow down and stop for at least 30 minutes each day to reflect and ask The Holy Spirit what He wants to show me so I can share with others.Maybe you're reading this and there's something you have committed to that you would really prefer to give up on.Maybe it's a marriage. Maybe it's a job. Maybe it's a friendship.Whatever that commitment is that you're considering kicking to the curb, don't. Just give it one more day. Do the next thing you have to do to keep the commitment. And then do the same thing the next day and the next.You are worth more than trying something for six days and giving up. You are called higher than another commitment not kept. You are equipped for whatever it is God has led you to. He will not let you fail.Don't sell yourself short this time. Dig deep and remember why He asked you to do what you're doing. Ask Him to remind you!He is not a silent God. He is a present God Who answers us when we cry out to Him.

Out of my distress I called on the LORD; the LORD answered me and set me free. Psalm 118:5 (ESV)

Stay committed, friends. Discipline yourself to do the hard things, Get in a rhythm of finishing.Staying the course feels good. And the reward is greater than anything we will ever see this side of Heaven. Even if it's something silly like a blog challenge, God sees your heart and your desire to please Him with your commitment. Do everything as if you're working for Him and watch how your enthusiasm increases.

No, I will not break my covenant;I will not take back a single word I said. Psalm 89:34 (NLT)


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