The Top of My Wedding Guest List


A wedding guest list can be a tricky thing.The guest list is known to cause arguments and anxiety - and the reason for that is simple: people matter.The guest list is so important to the bride and the groom and their families because they want make sure the right people are there.For me, I went a little crazy with my guest list (go figure.)I do this thing where I meet people one time and become best friends with them because people really are my favorite thing about life - every single person has a story and quirks and habits and a past and I just love all of it, so I usually ask 1,000 questions and click with them on one of those topics. I would invite every person I've ever talked to to my wedding if I had endless amounts of money - but the whole budget thing really crushed that dream.I had so much anxiety about my guest list - what if I should've invited her or what if I shouldn't have even invited him because he doesn't think we are that close? I panicked over so many different names on that list.My number one criteria for a venue was the amount of people it could hold. My fiance wanted to scream at me multiple times because of my disaster of a guest list - seriously I tried to double the already ridiculously long list. I didn't want anyone at all to be mad at me for not inviting them.All the panic and worry just showed me more and more how much I care what people think and how much stock I really do put into it.Lately, for no reason whatsoever, every time I see a picture on Instagram or Facebook of someone I know from high school or college or adulthood, I immediately think, "Oh no. I wonder if they like me. I wonder what bad things they've said about me." I have let it rule my thoughts and make me so sad.Of course, my devotional today was all about caring more about what man thinks than what God thinks.

"Eli had a hard time disciplining his sons because he was more concerned about their opinion of him than God's opinion of him. So God asked him, "Why do you honor your sons more than me-for you and they have become fat from the best offerings of my people!"(1 Samuel 2:29).Christians should value God's Word and His opinion far more than they value the opinion of man. Jesus rebuked the Jews because they made no effort to obtain the true praise that comes only from God. Instead, they were more concerned about receiving praise from one another (John 5:44).Someone once said, "Never be concerned about what others think about you, because they don't think about you!" In reality, most people really think primarily about themselves, and their opinions will not count when you stand before almighty God. The day will come when all men will be silent, and you alone will give an account for your choices and convictions. Where will your fans or critics be then?If you place God's opinion above all else, it may cost you a friend. However, at the final judgment, all eternity will record your integrity before Him. Stand firm in the truth, and honor God above anyone else, even family." - Larry Stockstill via Church of the Highlands

What a blatant, punch-in-the-gut-reminder that my worth is not found in any single person - not even the man I'm marrying."Their opinions won't count when you stand before almighty God." Wow. So my wedding guest list won't matter when I stand before Him? NOPE.The point is Jesus should be at the top of my guest list for that day and every day. When He is invited, everything gets a little more peaceful and a lot more fun. Without Him there, nothing really matters. And everyone who is there is there because of Him.My prayer was that everyone on the list would be there for a reason and that every single person there would experience God during our celebration - because that is, as I keep saying, what this wedding is all about.He placed every name on our guest list just like he places every person in specific places in the world. He knows what He is doing, guys.

Acts 17:26"... and he determined the times set for themand the exact places where they should live."

I also prayed for Him to multiply our food like He did the loaves and fishes since we may very well run out. I am just having faith that He will double the portions of chicken and waffles, amen. (This sounds like a joke, but my grandma and I straight up prayed that He would multiply the food.)No matter who is at our wedding or how many people show up, the person we are trying to impress with our ceremony is God and God alone. I'm not so sure He will be concerned with the flower arrangements or the photo booth, but I know He will be searching our souls and standing right there with us as we say "I do" to Him and to each other.Let's invite Him to our big day every day and see what He multiplies around us. 


A Letter To My Future Husband


My Wedding Isn't Good Enough