What Life Looks Like After Depression: Part Three


PART THREE OF A FIVE-PART SERIES:Read Part OneRead Part TwoLife after depression looks like sharing your story of victory with as many people as possible to remind them there's hope.When you walk from darkness into Light, you can't NOT tell everyone about it.When God heals you in a miraculous way, you can't keep quiet.When the heaviness lifts, you are free to run and tell the world.

And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death. Romans 12:11

We overcome the enemy who tries to divide, defeat, and detour us when we share what God has done for us.When you survive depression, addiction, or anything else that hinders you from living out your purpose, you pave the way for another to walk behind you out of the wilderness.Life is a cycle of those surviving the season and those who have weathered the storm.If you are walking through a difficult season, it's helpful to have someone in front of you showing you how to navigate it. If you have recently weathered a storm, reach your hand back and help whoever is behind you.We can't make it through life alone -- that's why God created community.If you feel like you just can't seem to find community, be community for someone else. You'll be amazed what happens when you step out of your comfort zone, share your story, and meet someone else right where they are.


What Life Looks Like After Depression: Part Four


What Life Looks Like After Depression: Part Two