What Life Looks Like After Depression: Part Two


PART TWO OF A FIVE-PART SERIES:Read Part OneSome days after depression still look a lot like they did during depression, but with a different feeling of hope that you couldn't see in the darkness.You see, living in The Light gives you that feeling of sun on your skin even when it's pouring down rain. Living in the dark feels like rain all the time.Today wasn't the best day. I woke up sick, had to go into work late, and fought with my husband while we were house shopping. We continued the argument quietly over our queso and enchiladas at dinner as not to disturb the not-fighting couples beside us. And I felt that feeling of hopelessness try to creep back in.I walked through the entire day just weighed down with negative thoughts and heavy feelings. I got mad at God for several different things, several different times. (We're fine now. We worked it out.)But what kept me from going back to that dark place I was in for so long was the reminder that He pulled me out not to go back in but to stay out and stand in victory.I don't want to lose that victory, do you?He doesn't rescue us from our pits so we can go hide again when life gets tough. He rescued us from our pits so we can recall how strong we are in Him when life gets tough. He rescued from our pits so we can tell everyone else about the victory.Life after depression doesn't look like a bunch of rainbows and butterflies -- it looks like a lot of recollection and begging God to lead every step of your life. It looks like thanking Him for all He has done and believing Him for all He will do.Life after depression isn't a perfect life with no bad days -- it is a life surrendered to a perfect Savior who uses even the bad days for His glory.Life after depression is full of hope that you can't make it through anything alone but you can make it through everything with Jesus.Once you've survived depression, you look at hard days differently. You don't think worst case scenario and lay down at night with crippling anxiety.Once you've been delivered, you are fully aware of just how much God delights in you. (Thought provoked by a quote from Lisa Jo Harper.)Β Because depression sucks the life out of you, God restores and redeems SEVENFOLD what the devil stole.

Yet if he is caught, he must pay sevenfold, though it costs him all the wealth of his house. Proverbs 6:31 (NIV)

The enemy has been caught my friends, so he has to pay you back for the joy he took.


What Life Looks Like After Depression: Part Three


What Life Looks Like After Depression: Part One