Your Calling vs. Your Husband's Calling


I swore I’d never marry a teacher or a coach, and so God laughed and gave me my history-teaching, baseball-coaching man. He works long days and travels across the state of Alabama to be part of a group of high schoolers’ lives. He is living and working in his passions - and I am grateful for that! But if I’m honest, there are times I wrestle with where my calling fits in relation to my husband’s. Is there room for both of our callings in this marriage? Is mine as important as my husband’s? Do I lay my calling down so that my husband can pursue his? There have been plenty of times the enemy has tried to trick me into resenting my husband’s calling. Our not-so-clever opponent whispers that I can’t chase my dreams because my husband is chasing his. And that couldn’t be farther from the truth.It's normal to fear "losing yourself" in your marriage. Marriage requires selflessness, but it does not ask you to give up on your dreams.When God decided to make you a wife, He didn’t subtract any of the desires of your heart; He lovingly added your dreams to be the best wife you can possibly be to your husband.

Supporting your husband in his calling never means you don’t have your own calling.

As daughters of the King, we are able to pursue our passions every single day as Christ cheers us on. At the same time, as wives, part of our job on earth is to walk with our husbands toward Heaven.We are commissioned to serve our husbands and grow their dreams just like we grow our own. This requires that we are intentional to not pour out our entire bucket to water our garden because we have the responsibility of helping our husband water his.

Your calling does not weigh more than your husband’s, and his does not weigh more than yours.

The best part of realizing that dual callings are not only possible but that they can thrive, is that there is strength to this team approach. We make more of an impact for the Kingdom because we are fighting the same good fight. Collaborating callings in a marriage is one of the most beautiful Kingdom-things I’ve ever witnessed.

Don’t quit your daydream, but don’t make him quit his either.

Grab your husband’s hand and run this race together. “And if one falls down, the other helps.” Ecclesiastes 4:10 MSGThere's no versus when it comes to callings in a marriage; there's only an and.Collaborate callings with your husband and the other people in your life - watch the beauty that comes from it. God loves to see His people working together to build bridges that lead to His Kingdom.


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