What I've Learned in Three Years of Marriage
Blog Blog

What I've Learned in Three Years of Marriage

Three years may not seem like a long time to many, but it has been long enough for me to learn a few things about marriage. I had a woman laugh at me one time when I told her I wrote about marriage. She said, "I'm sorry... you just haven't been married very long at all." I smiled and told her I hope to meet people where they are in their marriage with my words, whether they are engaged, newlyweds, or celebrating their 50th anniversary. We can all glean wisdom from each other, and we can always learn something from the life of another.

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It's OK to Grieve the Small Things
Blog Blog

It's OK to Grieve the Small Things

Everyone is experiencing grief of some type during the Coronavirus pandemic. My last semester of ministry school is now completely online. Graduation is canceled for the time being. The day I have been anticipating for two years won’t happen when or how I expected. My husband’s coaching season is over. His baseball team, who had a promising chance of winning state, came to an abrupt stop.

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What I Promised When I Said "I Do"
Blog Blog

What I Promised When I Said "I Do"

A few days ago, I had a young girl ask me if I ever get tired of my husband. I laughed and almost spewed coffee out of my mouth because OF COURSE I do. She said she sees pictures of married couples that look like rainbows and butterflies all the time and it really intimidates her.

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