Why I Ditched My Husband on Date Night


Originally posted on AWifeLikeMe.com - https://awifelikeme.com/date-night-with-the-devil/?fbclid=IwAR3z5LmSUz-t-6hDnXibu8a8o20SkWPK_GBWWnH2GAIf9Tsd0Osl3-Ihcuc

There I was with lost intentions of having a romantic, relaxing night with my husband. I had even promised him I was all his that night. But the enemy had other plans and I RSVP’d to his, canceling my plans with my man.

I didn’t even realize I had joined the devil on a date night. I even got all dress up for him! Dressed in worry, stress, anxiety, and shame, I sat at his table and let him take complete advantage of me. I even ended up footing the bill.

The enemy is no gentleman. He doesn’t open your car door or buy you roses. He has one thing on his mind and that is to distract you from your purpose for your life and for the day. He will distract you to the point of exhaustion so that you have no energy for any of the other plans laid out for you. He takes your time and joy and offers you nothing in return.

On our date, he had me crying and stressing about family members and other things that were out of my control. It even caused an argument with my husband because I was so distraught. Because the enemy coaxed me into joining him for an evening, I neglected my marriage and myself.

You see, the devil isn’t interested in making your dreams come true -- he is only interested in tearing them down. You can’t trust a dream-crusher when you have the option of entrusting your entire life with the Maker of your dreams. Satan doesn’t want to see your marriage succeed or your ministry thrive your friendships flourish -- he wants to stop every bit of that.

We have to choose to ditch date night with the devil and spend time with our husbands. Intimacy with your husband can paint a beautiful picture of the intimacy God offers. Next to time with God, time with your husband really is the most important part of your day. And I fail at both of those relationships far too often, but thankfully, both Jesus and my husband offer endless grace and love.

“Resist the devil and he will flee from you.” James 4:7

That James verse sounds simple, but we know it’s not possible without Jesus. We have to get dressed up for God by putting on the armor he bought for us. It’s the most expensive outfit we’ll ever own, because He paid the highest price for us to have it!

Because of this, put on all the things God gives you to fight with. Then you will be able to stand in that sinful day. When it is all over, you will still be standing.So stand up and do not be moved. Wear a belt of truth around your body. Wear a piece of iron over your chest which is being right with God. Wear shoes on your feet which are the Good News of peace. 16 Most important of all, you need a covering of faith in front of you. This is to put out the fire-arrows of the devil.The covering for your head is that you have been saved from the punishment of sin. Take the sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God.” Ephesians 6:13-17

And when we are dressed to impress in our godly armor, the enemy can’t convince us to ditch ANYTHING for a date night with him. We are way too busy doing important work for God, for our marriage, for other women, to be stooping down to his level.

There I was with intentions of having a romantic, relaxing night with my husband. I had even promised him I was all his that night.

But the enemy had other plans and I unfortunately RSVP’d to this instead, disrupting my plans with my man.

Instead of spending time with my man, my attention was turned to stress about family members and other things that were out of my control. Soon I was crying, filled with fear and inner turmoil that erupted into an argument with my husband. The enemy snuck into my thoughts, and stole precious time from what what could’ve been a beautiful night with my man.

Because the enemy attacked me, I turned right around and attacked my husband. I chose a night of anger and fear with the devil over the peaceful, loving night I had planned to spend with my guy.

I didn’t realize I had joined the devil on a date night.

The enemy is no gentleman. He doesn’t open your car door or buy you roses. He has one thing on his mind and that is to distract you from your purpose for your life and for the day. He will distract you to the point of exhaustion so that you have no energy for any of the other plans laid out for you. He takes your time and joy and offers you nothing in return.

If we aren’t careful, the enemy will twist our thoughts, steal our focus, and before we know it we’ll be on a date night with the devil, neglecting our marriage and ourselves.

The devil isn’t interested in making your your marriage stronger. The devil wants to steal your happiness, cause doubt in your heart, and fixate on things outside of your control. He wants to ruin every part of you.  

We can choose to ditch date night with the devil and protect our heart and mind so we can enjoy time with our husbands. Ruthlessly guard your mind against the enemies schemes by staying rooted in truth, found in God’s word.

“Resist the devil and he will flee from you.” James 4:7

This verse might sound simple, but it’s not possible without Jesus. We have to get dressed up for God by putting on the armor he bought for us. It’s the most expensive outfit we’ll ever own, because He paid the highest price for us to have it!

Because of this, put on all the things God gives you to fight with. Then you will be able to stand in that sinful day. When it is all over, you will still be standing. So stand up and do not be moved. Wear a belt of truth around your body. Wear a piece of iron over your chest which is being right with God. Wear shoes on your feet which are the Good News of peace. 16 Most important of all, you need a covering of faith in front of you. This is to put out the fire-arrows of the devil. The covering for your head is that you have been saved from the punishment of sin. Take the sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God.” Ephesians 6:13-17 (NLV)

When we are dressed to impress in our Godly armor, the enemy can’t convince us to ditch ANYTHING for a date night with him. We are way too busy doing important work for God, for our marriage, and for our families and friends to be stooping down to his level.

Sister, you are worth more than a cheap date with a snake who wants to steal your destiny. You are a beautiful bride of Christ, deserving of love, intimacy, and grace. That’s what God, the ultimate gentleman, has to offer. And He wants you to feel the same kind of worth inside your marriage.

Wife Step: Tell the enemy to go back to hell where he belongs, and dress yourself with Jesus. Flip the dinner table over on the enemy and go love on your man.

Put the phone down. Pray the worry away. Part ways with the weight of the world. Go love on your man and watch Jesus work His magic. Flip the dinner table over on the enemy and go on the date you deserve.

Watch mountains move in your marriage as you walk away from the distractions holding you back.

Aren't you thankful that Jesus is a perfect gentleman and steps in to ask you for a dance right when you need it? The Savior of our souls is worth so much more of our time than the father of lies. And our Jesus wants us spending nights and days with Him and precious time with the husband He has so carefully placed in front of us.


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