Talkin' Turf Fields Can Be Ministry


I really thought I’d grow up, get married, and discuss hedge funds over dinner — not turf fields.

But here I sit, complimenting the fake grass my husband has been excitedly discussing for months and months. And the thing is, I genuinely care about the dang grass.

If you would have asked me a month or so ago, I would have told you that I tolerated the conversations about baseball more than I actually enjoyed them. But I’ve been praying REALLY hard for that to change. And I realized that regardless of what topic my husband is talking about, it needs to matter to me.

The Lord is still working on me (as always), but I enjoy talking about home runs and pinch hitters and what’s going on with his players more and more. He’s making a difference out there on that brand new turf field, and I want to be part of it — even if that just means listening and loving.

Wives, we have a job to do that’s just as important as any dream we think we need to chase. We are helpmates for our husbands, and we can’t take that lightly. So, whatever it is your husband wants to discuss over dinner tonight, whether it’s sales at work, weights he’s lifting, or where he wants to be in the next five years, listen closely and love him deeply.

Being a great wife is so honorable to God.


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