To Anyone Who Has Considered Suicide


I'm sick of suicide. So sick of it. 

I got news of yet another young woman this week who decided to end her own life. She was incredibly intelligent, beautiful, loved, and creative, but the enemy of our souls convinced her otherwise. 

I used to be so confused when I would hear that someone committed suicide. I couldn't fathom getting to that low of a low.

And then I got that low. 

I don't love talking about it. I wish I never had to. It feels embarrassing and weak. But I have to talk about it because I'm still here to talk about it. And I don't want anyone else thinking about it to not be here to talk about it tomorrow or next week or next year. 

The thing about depression and anxiety and suicidal thoughts is that they don't discriminate. It doesn't matter what color or gender or size you are. The enemy uses what he can with who he can to try to win. But he NEVER will. 

There are plenty of times that thoughts creep in that don't necessarily make you want to end your life as much as the fact that you just don't want to be alive. Life becomes to exhausting to bare. Hope seems like an ex-friend. Happiness has left the building. And joy is a pipe dream. 

But God reminds us through his LIVING Word that He offers life -- ABUNDANT life. 

John 10:10 says, "The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full." (NIV)

The enemy wants to steal our lives, kill our lives and destroy our lives. But our God, our defender, our rescuer wants to save our lives and make them full!

If you think the world will be better off without you, you are incredibly wrong. If you don't believe me, go read Luke 12:7 -- "Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Don't be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows." (NIV)

You are worth more than any of God's creations. He has numbered every single hair on your head. He knows all your quirks. He knows all your favorite things. He knows your mistakes. He knows your best moments. He knows YOU.

And He adores you.

And I bet a lot of other people adore you too. But even if there is no one else around to remind you of your worth, He is around -- all around. Look at His creation and know He did that for you. He loves to see you smile at the first sign of summer. He loves the way you close your eyes and listen to the sound of an ocean. He had you in mind when he painted the sky, dear friend.

Look, I know it's hard. I know life is stressful. Relationships are complicated. Plans don't turn out the way you thought. Dreams feel distant.

But God came to Earth in human form so He could relate to use and sympathize with all our issues and fears and doubts. He knows what you're going through and wants to help you through.

Cry out to Him. Talk to a friend. Go see a counselor. And pray your heart out. There IS hope on the other side of this.

Our friend Job from The Bible went through the most unimaginable pain. His life was lower than low. And as He was being mocked by men tortured by satan, God reminds him of The Light.

Job 38:19-20 "Where is the road to the home of light? Do you know where darkness lives, so you can lead it back to its border? Are you familiar with the paths to its home?"

You see, God wanted Job to realize WHO was in charge of his life and destiny. God can see more than we can see and always knows more than we can know. We may not be able to see the light, but God created the "road to the home light." He has seen the borders of darkness and tells time where to stand. He holds your future in His hands. 

There is a real eternity waiting for you. The pain you feel is temporary, whether it feels that way or not. Suicide is not the answer to your problems; it's the cause of hundreds of other problems for the people you'd leave behind. The world - you = sadness.

You matter. 

Your dreams matter. Your words matter. Your work matters. Your existence matters. 

Don't make a temporary choice that holds and eternal impact. 

When the darkness washes over you, remember that it cannot overcome you.

John 1:5 "The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it." (NIV)

In the chaos of life, choose the calmness of Christ. In the mess on the tables and the piles of laundry and the unfinished to-do lists and the losses and failures, find the masterpiece. Spoiler alert: You are the masterpiece.

"For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago." Ephesians 2:10 (NLV)

Keep fighting, my friend. You're doing so much better than you know. 

If you are having suicidal thoughts, call 1-800-273-8255. And you can always reach out to me. I'm here for you and I'm praying for you. Together, with God, we will prevail.


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