Too Busy for Jesus


Busy.What a word. We use it constantly to describe our days, our schedules, and our lives in general."How are you?" they ask. "Busy," we answer.It's our default and our decoy.If we tell them we're busy, we avoid going deep. If they know how much we have going on, they'll assume we must be accomplishing quite a bit.When did busy become a "badge of honor" to us?I didn't coin that phrase or thought. But I see it everywhere now: "Busy has become a badge of honor." And it's true and disheartening.Busy is not a word I want to be associated with anymore. Busy is not a word my Jesus was ever associated with and He accomplished more than anyone else ever will.As I read through Holy Week and picture myself on Palm Sunday, Good Friday, and all the days in between, I wonder what I would be doing if Holy Week were here and now, in 2019.As the masses line up to lay garments and leaves down to pave the way for The Messiah, would I be rushing to make sure I could grab coffee with a friend, stop by the post office, write a quick blog, and post on social media before I got to Jesus? Would I be on the phone and putting on makeup while I spilled my Starbucks on the car ride to the cross?I shudder as I think of the times I have become too busy for Jesus when He is the ONE thing I need to survive. Have we become too busy telling everyone else He is coming to stop and soak Him in for ourselves?Oh no.I hope not.Because how will we tell a world about a Savior we barely know?How will we convince them to follow Christ if we're too concerned with them following us first?How will we tell of His magnificent love if we aren't pausing long enough to truly feel it inside our souls?Let's bust this busy myth and get back to the basics.Let's lay down our lives for Jesus just like He laid His down for us.The weight of the world is too heavy to bear without a Savior to hold it for us. That's why He came. That's why He died. That's why He rose.I'm vowing to make more room in my schedule for Jesus because He deserves my every moment. You with me?We won't be a world too busy for Jesus anymore because we are far too busy to NOT have Jesus. “He himself bore our sins” in his body on the cross, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; “by his wounds you have been healed.” 1 Peter 2:24 (NIV)He slowly made his way too the cross, not too busy with His own wants and needs to be beaten and mocked so our souls would be set free.And for that, I will lay it all down for the glory of the cross. I will not get caught up in all the world has to offer, even the good things. I will forever be caught up in the love of Christ.


Savannah, GA Getaway Guide


To Anyone Who Has Considered Suicide