What Life Looks Like After Depression: Part Five


Part Five of a Five-Part Series: Dedicated to Whitney Read Part OneRead Part TwoRead Part ThreeRead Part Four Life after depression looks like walking out of hell and into happiness.There's a country song by Rodney Atkins that says,

If you're going through HellKeep on going, don't slow downIf you're scared, don't show itYou might get outBefore the devil even knows you're there

and I sing it all the time. "You might get out before the devil even knows you're there."I feel like I got out before he caught me. I feel like God guarded and protected me and said, "I'll create a diversion. You get out of here."I walked out with a few wounds that are proof I was there, but I got out.And you will too.Depression can feel like hell, but God already defeated hell.Depression can feel like death, but God already defeated death.If you're in the middle of what seems like the darkest hour of your life, please know happiness is waiting on the other side.And it's OK to be happy. God is more concerned with your holiness, but He still cares about your happiness. "Joy" and "happiness" are found all throughout The Bible, and our Father delights in us being filled with laughter and love.

Happy are the people whose God is The Lord! Psalm 144:15

Our God IS The Lord. We get to be happy, people!But don't beat yourself up if happiness isn't your song right now. Give yourself grace for the season you're in. I know you're fighting hell every single day and the quick moments of joy are what keep you going -- hold on to those moments. It's like playing that game where you have to use construction paper circles or something as steps to get out of the pretend lava that is really your living room. You lay them down one at a time and keep your balance on a circle while you place the next one.Keep your balance on one moment of happiness until you find the next one to step on. And then, walk right out of hell and into the happiness, joy, and peace you deserve. Jesus will be holding your hand through every step out of the lava.He is our lifeline, friends. He heals our depression and lifts our heaviness. He IS our "Get Out of Hell Free" card.Life after depression exists all because He lives.


Twelve Things I've Learned About Being A Sister


What Life Looks Like After Depression: Part Four